Saturday, September 20, 2008

Your Wishlist for Us

Since the time I invited friends and FOFs to try's BETA, the response has been mixed.

For some this is THE TOOL they were looking for, for some its just a different flavor of their feed reader and for MANY its something that they did not know what it is or they did not have enough time to do it.

The most common thing between all of them was the list of features they wish we had for them. And of course, being 'to the people', 'for the people' and by 'one among those people', would love to give them the best.

Here are the list of features we received so far and most of them are under process:
- A video tour of the portal.
- A way to comment on any item/post (of course they can't suppress their feeling about how hot Pamela looks in her new bikini, or, What should India do for the N-deal)
- A way to send an item to friend(s) via E-mail.
- A way to invite friends to view your Joint.
- A way to bookmark an item(just in case they want to see Pamela in that super hot bikini again ;-)
- A way to filter (reduce information overload and clutter)
- A simpler way to add feeds (More on this in our next post)

And here is the best one...
- A way to auto-extract feeds from "your" presence online. If there was some way for us to know what "you" would like to read and from where without having you spend a lot of time on it. This is our next pick :)

Whatever your wish may be, use the comments on this post. Tell us, what you would like to see. Tell us, if there is any bug. Tell us, how can we help make your life simpler.

This is our virtual meet up. This is "our very own Joint".

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh
The name we chant before starting any good work.
On the day of Ganesh Chaturthi, we launched the portal Many things were running in the mind and heart. Most importantly, it was the feeling of seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.

years... the time I spent on getting this portal up and running. It all started with need:
- Need to gather and organize information (like news, blogs, forums and sites) in a "customized" way.
- Need to "access" the organized information anytime and anywhere.
- Need to share interests
- Need to share views is a *free* web based feed reader.
- It helps you avoid the pain of going to many sites that you visit on a regular basis.
- Its a place where you read what others are reading.
- Its a place where you read information that interests you but never had the time to search and track.
- Its a place where you read things which you never thought existed
- Its a great way get update on your friends (via their blogs).

Build your joint once and access it from any device that has a browser. Yes, including your mobile phone.